Early Voting
See the Champaign County Clerk’s Early Voting Information for all early voting options.
Voting at the Library on Election Day
The Mahomet Public Library will serve as a polling place on Election Day.
The Library is a universal polling place. Anyone from Champaign County can vote here.
Mail-in Ballots
The Champaign County Clerk has placed a ballot drop box on the south side of the Library’s parking lot. Ballots must be in the drop box by 7 pm on Election Day. For more information on mail-in ballots, please see the County Clerk’s website.

Register to Vote
For information on registering to vote, including registering online, visit the Champaign County Clerk website.
Please Note: to cast a regular ballot in any election, you must register at least 28 days before the election date. If you are not registered by 28 days before an election, you may cast a Grace Period ballot by registering at the polls. For more information, please see the Champaign County Clerk’s Grace Period Registration.
Your Registration and Polling Information
Visit the Illinois State Board of Elections website to find out:
- where you are registered
- where your polling place is located
- all of your voting districts
Election Information
The Champaign County Clerk website has election information for Champaign County, including a full sample ballot. This ballot has all districts covered by Champaign County. If you do not know your district, use the Illinois State Board of Elections site.
Those living in Mahomet Township are covered by:
- US Congressional District 15
- State Senate District 51
- State House District 101
- County Board District 1
Absentee and Early Voting
If you will not be able to visit your polling place on Election Day, you may submit an absentee ballot or vote early at one of several locations throughout the county. To find information about absentee voting, voting early, and voting by mail, please visit the Champaign County Clerk Early Voting Information website.
Local Election Results
Local election results are posted on the following websites:
Information on Politicians
- League of Women Voters: Information about candidates that will be on your ballot and key issues.
- Factcheck.org: Accuracy of candidate statements.
- Votesmart.org: Background, views, votes, and campaign contributors for current office holders.
- Opensecrets.org: Campaign finance laws and who is donating to whom.