Mahomet Public Library

Lifelong Learning

Test Proctoring

As part of our mission to supporting lifelong learning in our community, the Mahomet Public Library provides free proctoring services for written and online exams. Proctoring services are available by appointment during regular library hours. We provide space to take written exams as well as public access or laptop computers for online exams. 

Preparing for the Exam

Scheduling: Please schedule a time for the exam at least one week in advanceWhen scheduling the exam, please let library staff know if you will be taking a written or an online exam. You may contact us to schedule an exam by:

Sending Materials: The student is responsible for ensuring that the testing institution sends the library the materials and instructions needed for the exam.

Online instructions and passwords may be sent to

Printed materials may be mailed to:

Mahomet Public Library District
ATTN: Test Proctoring
1702 E Oak Street
Mahomet, IL 61853-8526

Taking the Exam

Whenever possible, the library will schedule exams for the library’s study room. Online exams may be taken at a public access computer or using a library laptop.

Students are responsible for bringing any materials or equipment required for the exam, including writing utensils and calculators. Students will not be able to take cell phones or anything not specifically required by the exam into the testing area.

The library cannot guarantee a quiet environment during the test-taking period. Library staff will be attending to other duties while monitoring the exam and will not be able to observe the student at all times. If test conditions established by the testing institution require quiet, close observations, or other conditions that the library is unable to meet, the library will notify the testing institution.

Submitting the Completed Exam

The library will submit completed written exam in the manner requested by the testing institution (by mail, fax, or email).

If the institution requests that exams be mailed, the library will mail the exam back to the testing institution the following business day using first class mail. The library will not pay for certified or registered mail, express mail, or other special handling requirements. The library is not responsible for exams that may be lost during mail delivery.