Mahomet Public Library

Loan Periods, Fines, and Fees

A Fine-Free Library!

The Mahomet Public Library is a fine-free library, with two exceptions: Wi-Fi  Hotspots and Roku Streaming Sticks. 

Patrons will still pay for lost or damaged items. 

For our complete policy on loan periods, fines, and lost or damaged items, please see our Circulation Policy on our Library Policies page.

ItemLoan Period*Renewal LimitOverdue Fine
Books, CDs, Audiobooks, Magazines3 weeks3 timesNo fines!
Single DVDs/BLU-RAYs1 week3 timesNo fines!
TV Series and Most Multi-disc DVD Sets3 weeks3 timesNo fines!
Board Games1 week3 timesNo fines!
Wi-Fi Hotspots1 weekNo renewals$1.00 per day
Laptops1 weekNo renewalsNo fines!
Roku Streaming Sticks1 weekNo renewals$1.00 per day

*Please note: These loan periods apply to Mahomet Library items only. Loan periods for items borrowed from other libraries are set by those libraries.

Card Limits

  • Overall Borrowing Limits: Patrons may have up to 100 items checked out to a card at one time.
  • DVD/BLU-RAY Limits: Patrons may have up to 10 DVDs or BLU-RAYs checked out to a card at one time. 
  • Audiobooks on CD Limits: Patrons may have up to 20 books on CD checked out to a card at one time. 
  • Music CD Limits: Patrons may have up to 20 music CDs checked out to a card at one time. 
  • Board Game Limits: Patrons may have up to 2 board games checked out to a card at one time. 
  • Video Game Limits: Patrons may have up to 3 video games checked out to a card at one time and up to 5 hold requests at one time. 
  • Roku Streaming Stick Limits: Each household may check out 1 Roku Streaming Stick at a time. 
  • Item Request Limits: Patrons may have up to 50 requested items (“on hold”) at one time.
  • Digital Title Limits: Limits on digital downloads are set according to the policies of the eResource consortia to which the library belongs. 
  • Fine and Fee Limits: If a patron’s fines and fees exceed $5.00, the patron’s card cannot be used to borrow physical or digital materials until the balance is reduced below that threshold. 
  • Overdue Item Limits: If a patron has more than 50 overdue items, the patron’s card cannot be used to borrow physical or digital materials until the number of overdue items is reduced below that threshold by returning or renewing them. Please note: once the items have been renewed or returned, the system will add overdue charges to the patron account. If the total charges exceed the fine and fee limits above, then the card will remain blocked until the balance is reduced.

Renewing Materials

Most items can be renewed up to 3 times, unless another patron has requested the item. You can renew items by:

  • Accessing your online account (Please note: Your password is the last four digits of your phone number unless you have changed it)
  • Calling the Library at (217) 586-2611
  • Chatting with a librarian
  • Visiting the Library

Lost or Damaged Items

If items checked out on your card are lost or damaged, you are responsible for the replacement cost. Unfortunately, we cannot accept replacement copies of lost or damaged items. 

Paying Fines and Fees

You can pay your fines and fees:

  • By check or cash at the library
  • By credit card at the library self-check stations
  • By credit card online
To pay fines or fees online:
  1. Log into your account with your library card number and password. (Your password is the last four digits of your phone number unless you have changed it.)
  2. Choose Fines and Fees from the My Account menu.
  3. Select the fines and fees you wish to pay and click Pay Fees Now. The system will take you to a secure credit card processing site to complete the transaction.
  4. When finished, click Return to Account.

Library Overdue Notifications

You may elect to receive library notifications by text, email, or phone. The library sends out the following notifications related to overdue items:

TimeframeNotice Sent
3 days before the due dateAn almost-overdue notice, reminding the patron that the due date is coming up
1 day after the due dateAn overdue notice, alerting the patron that the item is now overdue
8 days after the due dateA second overdue notice
15 days after the due dateA third overdue notice
21 days after the due dateA billing notice (Please note: at this point, the long-overdue item is marked as “lost” in our system and the patron will be billed for the item’s replacement cost.)