Mahomet Public Library

Using C-U Libraries

The Champaign Public Library and the Urbana Free Library have their own catalog of materials, the C-U Catalog. Library patrons from the Illinois Heartland Library System, including those from Mahomet, can borrow materials from Champaign or Urbana. (Note: non Champaign-Urbana patrons, including those from Mahomet, are limited to 10 items per card when checking out materials from the Champaign Public Library.)

Setting up an Account at the Champaign and Urbana Libraries

To use the Champaign or Urbana libraries, Mahomet patrons must have a Mahomet Library card in good standing (not expired and with less than $5 in fines). Take this card and a photo ID to either the Champaign Public Library or the Urbana Free Library while the Mahomet Library is also open. Staff at that library will create an account for you in their system and they must be able to call the Mahomet Library to verify that your card is in good standing.

You will then have two different accounts: one for the C-U libraries and one for all other libraries in the Illinois Heartland Library System. Both accounts will use your Mahomet Library card number.

Your C-U library account must be renewed at one of these libraries each time you renew your Mahomet Library card.

Fines and Fees

Fines and fees related to materials you borrow from the C-U libraries will be tracked in their system. All other fines and fees will be tracked in our catalog. You will need to monitor the accounts separately, paying fines and fees owed to Champaign or Urbana at one of those libraries and paying all other fines and fees at the Mahomet Library.

Returning Materials

It is best to return Champaign and Urbana materials to one of those libraries and to return all other materials to the Mahomet Library. Mahomet staff will not be able to check in Champaign or Urbana library materials. If you must return C-U materials to the Mahomet Library, please allow 10 days for the materials to travel to their home library and be checked in. Late fines will apply to materials that reach Champaign or Urbana after the due date.

The same condition applies to materials from other libraries returned to the Champaign or Urbana libraries.

Using the C-U Catalog

As a patron from outside Champaign-Urbana, you will be able to:

  • Browse the C-U Catalog from the websites of the Champaign Public Library or Urbana Free Library
  • Check your account to view materials checked out from and fines owed to those libraries
  • Pay fines and fees owed to those libraries

You can place holds (through the C-U Catalog) on items at the Urbana Free Library, for pickup at that library. You cannot place holds on Champaign items.