FOIA Officer: John Howard, Library Director
Records Maintained Under Control of the Library
Certain types of information maintained by us are exempt from inspection and copying. The following types or categories of records are maintained under our control and are available for public inspection:
- Monthly financial statements
- Annual receipts and disbursements reports
- Budget and appropriation ordinances
- Levy ordinances
- Operating budgets
- Annual audits
- Minutes of the Board of Trustees
- Library policies, including materials selection
- Annual reports to the Illinois State Library

Request for Information and Public Records
Records are available Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, at the Mahomet Public Library District Administrative Office, 1702 E. Oak St, Mahomet, IL 61853.
The following records are available for public review at any time at the Circulation Desk and on the Library’s website:
- Monthly financial summaries
- Meeting minutes of the Board of Trustees
- Library policy manual
- Library organizational chart
To submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information not included in the above list, complete the FOIA Request form and submit it to the Library Director or the FOIA officer in person or by email, mail, or fax. The FOIA Officer will make a decision to grant or deny a FOIA request. You may appeal the decision of the FOIA officer to the Board of Library Trustees.
The FOIA officer will respond to a written request within five (5) business days or sooner if possible. An extension of an additional five (5) business days may be necessary to respond properly. Records may be inspected or copied. If inspected, an employee must be present throughout the inspection.
A person who believes that a violation of this Act by a public body has occurred may file a request for review with the Public Access Counselor established in the Office of the Attorney General not later than 60 days after the alleged violation:
Leah Bartlett, Public Access Counselor Office of the Illinois Attorney General
500 South 2nd Street Springfield, IL 62701
Certification of Records
If any of the records are to be certified, this must be specified in the request. If no such request is included, the records will not be certified.
The requestor is responsible for reimbursing the Library for the actual costs of reproducing and certifying (if requested) the records.
- No fees will be charged for the first 50 pages of black and white letter or legal size copies.
- After the first 50 copies, the fee charged will be no more than 15 cents per page.
- If copies are to be provided in color or in a size other than letter or legal size, the charge will not be more than the actual cost of reproducing the record.
- The cost for certifying a record shall not be more than one dollar.