Mahomet Public Library

We are responsible stewards of public resources

Financial Reports

The Library’s fiscal year runs from July – June.

For additional monthly and annual financial reports, please visit the Circulation Desk or contact John Howard, Library Director.

Annual Report of Receipts and Disbursements for FY 2023-24

Audited Financial Report for FY 2023-24

IMRF Employee Compensation Report

Illinois Public Act 97-0609 is an amendment to the Open Meetings Act that requires employers participating in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) to post the total compensation package for each employee having a total compensation package that exceeds $75,000 per year. Total compensation package means payment by the employer to the employee for salary, health insurance, housing allowance, vehicle allowance, clothing allowance, bonuses, loans, vacation days granted, and sick days granted.

The Mahomet Public Library does not provide health insurance; housing, vehicle, or clothing allowances; bonuses, or loans. 

FY 24-25 IMRF Employee Compensation Report

IMRF Employer Cost and Participation Information

Questions about our financial reports? Please contact John Howard, Library Director.

Prevailing Wage

Notice of Prevailing Wage Ordinance 2017-4, covering all future fiscal years

Champaign County Wage Tables